Marketing a pet photography business

Pet photography is a niche area of the photography profession, but there's a rising demand from pet parents looking to capture high-quality memories with their furpanions.

As a pet photographer you're likely to cater to a diverse clientele, including pet parents, fellow petpreneurs, animal shelters, and pet-related brands. 

Whether you’re starting out or looking to expand your existing business, effective marketing strategies are crucial to attract clients and build a successful pet photography business.

Let's take a look at some practical tips on how to effectively market your pet photography services.

How to market a pet photography business

1. Build a Professional Portfolio

A strong, visually appealing portfolio is essential for being able to market a pet photography business.

Use your portfolio to showcase your best work on your website and include a variety of shots—close-ups, action shots, portraits with families, and candid moments.

Ensure your website is easy to navigate and optimized for mobile devices, as many clients will likely browse your portfolio on their smartphones.

2. Make the Most of Social Media

Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Pinterest are perfect for pet photography as they are primarily visual based platforms.

Regularly post high-quality images, behind the scenes content, and engage with your followers through comments, and use relevant hashtags to increase your visibility.

Consider running targeted ads to reach potential clients in your geographic area.

3. Partner with Local Pet Businesses

Form partnerships with local pet shops, veterinary clinics, and doggy daycare centers. These businesses can refer clients to you and may allow you to leave business cards or flyers in their locations.

You could also offer to photograph their animals for their promotional needs in exchange for referrals.

4. Offer Promotions and Referral Discounts

Promotions, such as a discount on the first session or holiday-themed photo shoots, can attract new customers.

Additionally, create a referral program that rewards existing clients who bring new customers to your business. This not only encourages repeat business but also word-of-mouth marketing.

How to market a pet photography business.

5. Attend Pet Events and Trade Shows

Participate in local pet events, fairs, and trade shows. These venues are great opportunities to showcase your work, meet potential clients, and network with other pet professionals.

Consider offering a free mini-session or enter visitors into a giveaway to collect contact information for future marketing efforts.

6. Collect and Share Testimonials

Positive reviews and testimonials build trust. Encourage satisfied clients to leave reviews on your website, Google Business profile, and social media pages.

Featuring client stories and before-and-after photos can also highlight your skills and the value of your services.

7. Write Pet Photography Blog Posts

Create content that pet owners will find useful and entertaining. Blog about pet photography tips, the best times for photo sessions, how to prepare pets for a shoot, and more. This not only positions you as an expert in your field but also improves your website’s SEO, making it easier for potential clients to find you online.

8. Utilize Email Marketing

Build an email list and keep in touch with past and potential clients through regular newsletters. Share recent work, special offers, and helpful tips related to pet photography. Email marketing keeps your business top-of-mind and can encourage repeat bookings.

Market a Pet Photography Business with Book Your Pet

Marketing a pet photography business involves a blend of online presence, local community engagement, and excellent customer service.

Book Your Pet helps you to combine these activities in one easy to manage platform - from creating a dedicated booking profile (that acts as a website) to managing calendars, bookings, payments and even promoting upsells at checkout, Book Your Pet makes it easier to market your pet photography services without less hassle.

By implementing these strategies, you can increase your visibility, attract more clients, and grow your pet photography business.

Get started with a 30-day free trial of Book Your Pet's dedicated pet business software today.