Do you need a license to open a dog daycare?

Entering the pet care industry as a dog daycare owner is an exciting adventure for animal lovers and entrepreneurs.

With the number of pet owners steadily increasing across the United States, the demand for pet care services, including dog daycares, is at an all-time high.

However, one of the first questions you might find yourself asking is, "Do you need a license to open a dog daycare?"

The answer is multifaceted and depends on various factors, including your location within the US. Let’s take a look at what you need to know to start your journey on the right paw.

Understanding the Importance of Licensing

The simple answer to the question "Do you need a license to open a dog daycare?"  is yes, you generally do need a license to operate a dog daycare in the United States.

Licensing ensures that your business operates within the legal framework set by local, state, and sometimes federal regulations. These licenses and permits are designed to protect the health and safety of the dogs in your care, as well as ensuring the business operates in accordance with zoning laws and environmental guidelines.

Local and State Regulations

Licensing requirements can vary significantly from one location to another. Each state, and often each municipality within that state, has its own set of rules and regulations for pet care businesses. Here’s what you typically need to look into:

Business License

Almost every business in the US requires a basic business license to operate legally. This includes dog daycares. The process for obtaining a business license will vary by locality but usually involves filling out an application and paying a fee.

Specific Pet Care Licensing

In addition to a basic business license, you may also need a specific license that pertains to pet care or animal boarding. These licenses often require proof that your facility meets certain standards for space, cleanliness, safety, and animal welfare.

Zoning Permits

Before you can open a dog daycare, you need to make sure your chosen location is zoned for this type of business. Zoning laws can be quite strict, and just because you can lease or buy a property doesn't mean you can run a daycare there.

Health and Safety Inspections

Your facility may need to pass health and safety inspections to receive a license. These inspections can cover everything from the structural safety of your building to the cleanliness of your facilities and the adequacy of your animal care practices.

Do you need a license to start a dog daycare business?

Why Licensing Matters

Obtaining the necessary licenses and permits is crucial for several reasons:

  • Legality: Operating without the necessary licenses can lead to fines, legal action, and the closure of your business.
  • Credibility: Being properly licensed helps establish your business as a reputable and trustworthy place for pet owners to leave their beloved dogs.
  • Insurance: Many insurance companies require proof of licensing before they will issue a policy to a pet care business.

Steps to Take

  1. Research Your Local and State Requirements: The first step is to contact your local city hall or check their website to understand the specific licensing requirements in your area.
  2. Prepare Your Facility: Make sure your facility meets all the required standards for a dog daycare. This may involve renovations or upgrades to your property.
  3. Apply for Licenses and Permits: Once you’ve done your homework and prepared your facility, apply for all the necessary licenses and permits. Be prepared to pay application fees and wait for approval before you can open your doors.

While the process of obtaining the necessary licenses to open a dog daycare in the US can seem daunting, it’s an essential step in establishing a successful and responsible business.

By ensuring compliance with all local and state regulations, you not only protect yourself legally but also provide peace of mind to your future clients that their furry friends are in safe and capable hands.

Remember, the journey to opening a dog daycare begins with thorough research and preparation. Embrace the process, and soon you’ll be on your way to running a thriving dog daycare that makes a positive impact on the lives of pets and their owners alike.


Are you ready to start planning your dog daycare business? Access our dog daycare business plan templates and more in the Book Your Pet business membership.