Easy Ways To Improve Your Customer Communication Management

Easy Ways To Improve Your Customer Communication Management

Customer communication is an integral part of a successful business. Many companies adapt to changing technology in the workplace and innovative marketing strategies. Customer communication management must consider new and potential clients and adjust to meet new engagement means through social media, email, SMS, and live chat platforms. 

Many consumers use online platforms for shopping and socializing, while business owners use them for building a business plan, promoting products and services, and engaging customers with customer communication management software. 

As many companies spend more time on the Internet to improve customer interaction and establish new and emerging brands, customer communications management is crucial in achieving success.

Here are some easy ways to improve your customer communication management in your pet business.

Develop Self-Service Channels For Customers

Customer service has evolved to offer a variety of online channels to assist people with their purchasing experience. As most people spend a significant amount of time online, with an increasingly busy schedule and limited time outside of work and life, self-service channels and features are a growing trend that most people find helpful and time-saving for various tasks.

Many people prefer digital self-service options on mobile apps and online chat services, as these channels offer straightforward answers to common inquiries and can often resolve issues without further investigation. 

Before implementing an FAQ section on your company’s website, or a live chat option, it’s crucial to understand what you’re customers are looking for and how to address their concerns so that your online resources and tools are genuinely helpful and enhance customer satisfaction. 

For example, you may conduct a customer service survey with your clients to determine the business’s areas of improvement so that these points can be addressed in online tutorials and customer self-help options. Smart communication provides customers with how-to guides and tools to handle their concerns independently and confidently. Book Your Pet's upcoming business membership will provide a variety of templates and resources to help you develop the best service channels for your customers.

Book Your Pet's business software allows you to create a self-service marketplace for your customers. Both new and repeat customers can search, find, and book with your business through the Book Your Pet Marketplace. Cut out the back and forth of booking and allow your customers to get straight to where they need to be.

Connecting In-Store Shopping Experiences With Online Services And Customer Satisfaction

Many businesses have improved their customer relationship and interactions through omnichannel customer service. This customer experience strategy closes the gap between online services, inquiries, and customer support with in-store purchases and products. 

Pet services and stores significantly benefit from this seamless connection between online and offline shopping by providing personalized information based on a customer’s specific pet needs, history, and previous purchases. 

When in-store visits and customer data are stored and tracked, you can customize communications by email to provide press releases, sale items, and upcoming promotions that fit your client's needs. 

Omnichannel customer service offers customers the option to add essential information, contact details, and a complete survey on a tablet or through an email-based request to understand customer needs better. 

Multiple channels also identify fundamental interests for customers based on their profile, which ultimately improves their shopping experience while providing them with upcoming sales and events that pertain to their needs.

Establish Metrics And Monitor Customer Satisfaction

When you receive negative feedback from a customer, it’s essential to follow up with a resolution and track similar complaints through metrics. These measurements provide valuable customer data that includes the average time it takes to respond to a concern, customer satisfaction level, follow-up calls, and steps needed to provide a solution. 

Many large corporations send follow-up customer service surveys through email or SMS to better understand their customer's overall experience. Based on the aggregate data and feedback collected through customers’ experiences, you can implement shorter response times, improved solutions, and digital enhancements to improve customer loyalty and retention.

Inviting long-time clients to engage in customer conversations in a focus group or online forum can be a valuable and indirect way to gauge where customer support is needed most. If your company offers a subscription service, a renewal notice by email or text can be a way to invite your customers to renew their membership while tracking if there is a change in numbers or interest in your company’s products and services. 

When you collect customer data and interactions through multiple channels, you’ll clearly see how well your company supports customers while addressing areas needing improvement. 

With Book Your Pet, you can send automated follow-up messages to your clients after their appointment. You can simply thank them and remind them to book again, or you can ask them to complete a survey as outlined above to get a better idea of your customer satisfation.

Easy Ways To Improve Your Customer Communication Management

Dedicated Customer Service Managers

Customer service is a significant focus for many companies, including pet businesses that establish long-term relationships with clients and their pets. While self-service options and omnichannel communication are increasingly important in customer loyalty and satisfaction, a dedicated customer service manager or account manager can provide a personalized touch and resolution to your client's needs. 

CSMs, or customer service managers, develop a more in-depth relationship with clients to provide customized services that meet their specific goals and needs. Pet owners with specific requirements find great value in discussing their pet’s requirements, whether preparing for a competition or requiring a specialized formula for health or dietary reasons. 

While a digital transformation is necessary for many businesses to modernize their approach to customer service, a dedicated CSM (like Book Your Pet) can provide a valuable experience for each customer’s journey.

Provide Tutorials And Resources for Self-Learning

Whether your customer base includes new pet owners or a wide range of customers with various experiences caring for dogs, cats, and other household pets, you’ll find great value in offering user guides, tutorials, and self-learning tools. 

These resources give your clients the knowledge and know-how to make informed decisions when they purchase products and services. These self-learning options can be embedded onto your company’s website or as a link to a blog or online channel. 

For example, a video demonstrating a new leash or harness for your dog, or a flea treatment for your cat, can be a fantastic way to ease customer concerns or inquiries about your company’s products. 

If your customers want to inquire about a specific product or item offered in your online or retail store, self-learning videos and tutorials can provide more information that helps your customers decide which products are best for their pet. 

Further inquiries or concerns can be addressed through a help center page or interactive forum that answers specific questions from customers about their pets and needs.

Take The Proactive Approach

You’ll establish a better relationship with clients from the start when you prevent customer service problems before they happen. This approach is valuable to provide customers with all the information they need beforehand, including managing customer expectations, before they place an order or inquire about your company’s pet grooming services or naturally-made pet food. 

While many customer service complaints are handled in a reactionary manner, the proactive method involves getting to know your customers and giving them clear expectations about professional services. It’s essential to provide expectations to customers in advance when they’ll receive a custom product order, and how to troubleshoot their problems on social media, through the company’s website, or through online channels.


Customer communication management is essential to every business, and running a pet service or business that caters to pet owners requires innovative, customer-based solutions to secure long-term relationships and excellent feedback. 

As many organizations focus on customer relationship management, getting familiar with market dynamics and information technology can improve your company’s success and growth.

Want even more information on simple tech solutions for passionate petpreneurs? Sign up to Book Your Pet today.