"What's a great thing about leap-year jokes? That you only hear them repeated every 4 years."
Alongside the leap year jokes, there are plenty of things you can do with your pet business this leap year.
Here are 29 ideas to make the most of the extra Leap Year Day as a pet business.
- Use the extra day to catch up on 'back-burner' tasks, such as admin, social media, and tax.
- Create a pet-related hashtag for your business to generate content #bookyourpetleapchallenge etc.
- Offer your leapling customers a freebie via email marketing
- Run a competition involving the number 29
- Share 29 facts about your business
- Run a quiz about leap year
- Introduce a new product or service for your pet business
- Offer a discount or quote that's available for 29 days
- Do a special event (live on socials or in person) only on the 29th
- Write down 29 things you want to achieve for your business this year
- Introduce a product or service that only occurs every 4 years
- Have a contest with your team to see who can book 29 appointments or upsell 29 products/services

13. Ask your clients to share funny leap year stories with a hashtag then send a freebie
14. Use this extra day to book a free call with Book Your Pet - see how we can help you accelerate your pet business!
15. Use this extra day to volunteer. Pick a non-profit organization and run a '29 themed' promotion to raise money
16. Send an email with '29 tips' related to your business
17. Send a promotion celebrating 29 clients
18. Write a leap day blog that relates your pet business to leap day. “29 dog training tips” etc.
19. Extra day of the year...run a promotion where the client gets something extra!
20. Extend your clients service by a free day
21. Do a special post thanking clients for their services/custom
22. Create a leap day playlist for your business and share it with them - ask them to send content of them dancing to win a freebie!
23. Create an extra workshop or class
24. Partner with other small businesses and create a 'leap day' bingo card. Customers that engage with the businesses will win a prize!
25. Share a list of leap day jokes, ask clients to share theirs.
26. Make sure your Google Listings are correct for this day.
27. Speak only in leap year puns!
28. Create a hook using a gif of pets 'leaping' and invite customers to enter your website for a surprise. "Leap into our inbox for a special quote" etc.
29. Reach out to old customers or cold customers with a leap day pun to break the ice.